
vineri, 19 iulie 2013

Quilled wooden jewelry box.

     I came back with some new products, today I will present you a small wooden box which I quilled it. First of all the box was cleaned up from the chips and other imperfections, then it was smoothed with sandpaper in order to have plane surfaces to work on. Second stage was the painting, I've used some acrylic, yellow colour, twice, inside and outside, let it dry then start quilling over it using 3 mm wide paperstrips. The final operation after the last check was to cover everything with varnish for better protection and as well to increase the usability of the product.
     The box dimensions inside are: length: 6 cm, width: 3 cm, height: 3 cm.
                                    outside:    length: 7.5 cm, width: 5 cm, height: 4.5 cm. 
     I'll let you see the pictures.

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