
joi, 11 aprilie 2013

Quilling wall clock.

     As quilling gives us a lot of possibilities, one of my puropse is that always try something new, a new technique or a new object or to invent some.As a consequence of that purpose a new kind of product came out, a quilling wall clock. The main problem was to choose the suport, solved using a transparent disk found in the CD's boxes to protect the disks. I sprayed it with acrylic, in two colours, let it to get dry then I start quilling over it. Next I installed the clock mechanism making sure is well fitted and adjusted in the possition. The final operation was to coat it with varnish for better protection.

10 comentarii:

  1. Adore the color scheme and your design. beautiful.

  2. Love the design and the background!!

  3. Vai Marius cat de tare, pe bune daca ca nu mi-am dat seama ca e ceas!! Iti ia ochii backgroundul si florile ! Acum am vazut limbile hahahaha!!!!! Super!! Felicitari!! E pe cd nu?

  4. Multumesc Cristina! Da, intr-adevar este pe suport de CD, iar idea initiala asa a fost, sa fie un obiect pe perete care sa atraga dar sa iti dai seama mai greu ce este, sa intuiesti intai ca e un ceas, culorile cadranului aproape ca se confunda cu cele ale limbilor.


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