
duminică, 24 martie 2013

Army of... ,roses.

     Sometime last summer I was making roses for a couple of days for some special needs and in the end I took some pictures with them just for fun. I've got a big army of roses to play with, to atack the cards, the quilling walls, the earrings, fridge magnets, etc. So I'll let you see the pics. Enjoy!

10 comentarii:

  1. Interesanr, măi Mariuse, dar multă răbdare ai. :)

  2. Multumesc, aleg cate un moment sa fac mai multi (trandafiri sau altceva, frunze de ex.) intr-o perioada scurta de timp ca sa ii am la dispozitie ori de cate ori am nevoie.

  3. seems like a vibrant happy place full of fresh blooms and in so many colors too ,really nice:)

  4. U r hero Marius - really - Is this ur business or hobby?

  5. Thank you DreaMe! Is something started as a hobby which I am trying to transform it into a bussiness.

  6. Buna seara , va admir de ceva timp creatiile dvs quilling . Am multe de invatat de la dvs. Ador trandafirii, am gasit cateva tutoriale dar totusi nu-mi ies ca ai dvs.Imi puteti spune,va rog, cum procedati ....mie imi ies ori prea tuguiati ,ori cu o gaura in mijloc .Va doresc spor la munca in continuare pentru a creea cat mai multe lucruri deosebite.


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