
sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

First Blog Award

Astazi  am primit un premiu pentru blogul meu, din partea Catalinei Burca ( si din partea lui ADITI ( E prima data cand primesc un astfel de premiu, asa ca a trebuit mai intai sa inteleg cum functioneaza...:) 

Va prezint premiul meu:


Today I recived my first blog award, from Catalina Burca and from ADITI. I had to understand first how this cute idea works...:)

So....this is my award:

Simbolul acestui premiu este:  "Inspiratie"

Acum trebuie sa aleg 7 bloguri cu mai putin de 50 de followers, si sa acord premiul la randul meu, in semn de apreciere pentru munca si creativitatea lor. 


So, the award means "Inspiration"

Now I have to choose 7 blogs with less than 50 followers and foward them the prize. In this way, I show my appreciation for their beautiful work.

Prin urmare, am calatorit printre bloguri si am ales:


- thank to the person that gave you the award

- put a link of her/his blog in your blog  

- put in your blog the logo of the award

- give the award to 7 blogs with less than 50 members

- put links to this blog

- inform these people that they received the award

- write 7 thing (facts) about yourself  


7 things about me (if you imagine that I know so many things about me you are wrong :) )

-I prefered you do not ask this question
-I like nature (wildness)
-couple of hobblys (writing, art & music)
-sometime I am funny :) 
-I like trully frienships
-I am stil here
-we shoult talk face to face to know more than this about me (it will be good to read my blog or my facebook page, it helps)

Thank you!

Un comentariu:

  1. Multumesc pentru premiu Marius. Felicitari pentru minunatele tale creatii si multa "inspiratie"in continuare!


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