
vineri, 21 martie 2014

Quilling wall using 'new but old' Pixie-Hood Looping technique.

     I've been working in the last two days making some flowers using the new discovered quilling technique distinguished as being used on an 18 th century artifact, technique named by the Guild's Vice-Chairman, Jane Jenkins, as 'Pixie-Hood Looping'.
     Pixie-Hood Looping involves looping a paper strip in a single-twisted fashion on its flat side rather than its edge, creating a hood-like shape that lends itself readily to the creation of flower petals, star segments and many other creative applications.
     You can find more informations about this on Jane Jenkins' blog at: or on The Quilling Guild.
     After I've played for a while making some leaves and flowers I decided to incorporate them in a frame representing a pot with flowers 12 by 17 cm.
     I'll let you enjoy the pics. 


marți, 11 martie 2014

Quilled roses bracelets.

     Some time ago I've tried to give a new purpose to the quilled roses army so, I decided to make some bracelets. First step was to make a paper mount at the bottom of each rose in order to insert later the metallic rings used to link the roses between each other. I've used locking system with carabiner.
     Let's enjoy the pictures.